Wednesday, May 2, 2007

technology rationale

i guess as far as arts and technology go, i can come to one conclusion... the fact that technology, if and when you want it to, can help establish higher means of production value when it comes to your work... you can make a photo, but when it comes to technology you could make it a little bit cooler... you can make a video, but with technology you can make it a little bit cooler...basically saying that when you choose to you can make stuff appear all the more cooler than usual when it comes to the use of technology in the world of art...this is not to say that technology is the only way for things to be created... it simply provides a newer perspective to how things are created... you can always go the extra mile here and there and everywhere, when it comes to the creation of art... and i think that is what i learned in its completion... when it comes to use of technology in arts, you can love it or hate it... .i have always chosen to hate it, until recently when i discovered how cool photoshop can make things appear here and there... technology is good... so dont let it get away...

Saturday, April 28, 2007

yup.. im an artist

these are some of my photographs.. i worked on them for the past few years creating what i guess is my own style of out of focus work...i am totally inspired by the work of Meatyard and Caponigro.. those guys are amazing... hope you all like em... kikass

Friday, April 27, 2007

hahahaha its Mark in that BeeGees song!!! I hope Phil checks it out.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lesson: An Animation of a Group Through iMovie

Grades: 5th grade through 8th grade
Objective: To create an animation of a group activity through still photographs
Time Frame: This lesson should take no more than a few weeks of class time.
Example Lessons: 1) my own class work from interactive new media.
2) “funny bones” in which the students animate a version of skeleton
shapes through a similar form of still photograohy.
3) butterfly animation techniques in which the students in question
have animated in a similar fashion the pre-drawn elements of
the butterfly.


This lesson would begin with an examination of different animation techniques. Class would begin with a viewing of different cartoons, such as the style of cell animation through the examination of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves”. This is a significant animation in regards to the fact that it was one of the if not the first full length cartoon which appeared in color. There is also a scene in the film in which the family cat appears in a manner which allows for the viewing of the shadow created by the cell which the animal is depicted on. After we view other popular cartoon conceptions such as clips from “The Simpsons”, we will then make a movement into an internet presentation of different stop motion presentations such as the film which I created for this interactive new media course. This form of animation is significant to me in regards to how things are represented since they are simply photographs of what needs to be shown in the simplest form. After the students have viewed the desired “films” of animated ideas, they will begin to break up into groups of three or four in which they will begin to design their own ideas that will be animated. The students will hopefully have by the end of class a storyboard of their animation ideas.
At this point in time the students will hopefully have begun to animate what they desire to create within their world of art. They will do this by simply acting out by posing in a certain manner. They will basically use a digital camera to capture the motions that they so desire. The purpose of this is not for them to create a cartoon, since I will concentrate a great deal of my class time emphasizing how you do not need to be able to draw well in order to be a successful artist. The students in question will finally end the class time that they spend on this process with the final documentation of all of the desired movements. After they have finished this process of documentation they will finally be able to download the picture files into iMovie, where they will be able to create an animated film of still photographs. They will be able to choose what music they wish to either download or utilize from my extensive music collection in a manner that flatters the piece that they have created. We will then edit the pieces and create a group wide video of the existing animations.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


yup... im just hangin out here at school waitin for shit to go down.... i just finished up the test for the mass licensure shit in regards to whether or not i can teach kids art.. i think it went ok..the writin part wasnt all that bad.. and the reading could have gone a little bit better... but what are you gonna do? you know? anyways.. im just waitin for 1245 to roll around so i can get the fuk out of here.. damn skippy!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

yup these are pictures of things i care about.. the grenade is somethin i thought was cool lookin, and the pictures of christ, krsna, and shiv are simply pictures or historical characters whom i revere...who'da thought that an agnostic would revere god in any form? haha.. the picture of my fiance was at her sister's engagement party last spring.. yay!!! oh and the boy in the garments is my brother when he was ever so little...haha

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

all types of .. mmmmbleh

this is my first exposure to the wonderful world of the blog.. the realm in which we all function is ever so normal, in which we gather oursleves on a daily basis of lunacy... this lunacy exists simply to enable our enacting of our predetermined script of integral interpretations of more and more lunacy... yep.. these are my thoughts in my first blog subcription post.. yay...